
Pharmacy Discount Card

Save up to 85% on Name Brand
and Generic Prescriptions
at Participating Pharmacies
Please Download and Print Pronto Pharmacy Discount Card:
Or call us for more information 1-888-338-6523

Always get the lowest price on your prescriptions!

Find out which participating pharmacy has the best price. Compare prices online at www.optumrx.com/enroll/discountmaster to find out which participating pharmacy has the best price. Let the pharmacy know you’re part of the Optum Rx® network when dropping off your prescription using your Pronto RX card. Show your card at the time of service to assure the proper discount is applied.

Seguros de Auto

  • Asistencia en carretera
    25% Multi-coche Descuento
Información sobre
Agentes Independiente
Abra su Propia
Franquicia de Pronto Insurance
5.3+ Millions
Total de clientes ayudados
Llamadas de servicio al cliente
1+ Billion
Total de reclamos pagados